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“Words of comfort skillfully administered
are the oldest therapy known to man.”
– Louis Nizer

About US
Laura Cramb Speech Therapy Inc
Laura Cramb Speech Therapy inc is a team of dynamic and enthusiastic therapists.
A variety of areas of speech therapy services are dealt with within the practice including the Neonatal, Paediatric and Adult populations.
Neonatal Services:
All management of the neonate is done within a neurodevelopmental approach (little steps trained).
- Neonatal feeding and swallowing disorders or delays
- Retraining of the disorganised sucking pattern
- Reflux management
Adult Services:
All areas of care include working within A multi disciplinary team where possible.
- Rehabilitation of feeding and swallowing post-stroke or traumatic brain injury
- Speech, reading, writing and cognitive rehabilitation post-stroke or traumatic brain injury
Paediatriic Services:
All management is done using a holistic approach to the child and their family. These include the following delays and or disorders:
- Delays and disorders of speech and language development in the preschool child including children with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism and children with a cleft lip and or palate
- Articulation and phonology disorders or delays (speech sounds errors e.g. ‘rabbit produced as ‘wabbit’ lisps etc., including children with a cleft lip and or palate.
- Learning delays or disorders in the school aged child (reading and spelling difficulties, use and understanding of language) in all populations including ADD and ADHD
- Paediatric feeding and swallowing difficulties as well as feeding aversions in children including children with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism and children with a cleft lip and or palate.
- Fluency disorders (stuttering) from the beginning stutterer to the move advanced stutterer.